General Eligibility Requirements
General NCAA Progress-Towards-Degree Requirements for Student-Athlete Eligibility
- Student-Athlete must be registered at all times for a minimum of 12 semester hours. If they fall below 12 hours they are immediately ineligible to practice or compete.
- A minimum of 24 hours in the major, minor or general education areas are required during the academic year. 75% or 18 semester hours must be passed during the fall and spring semesters. 6 semester hours may be taken and applied during the summer session to meet the 24 hour requirement.
- A student-athlete must declare a major prior to the start of their 5th full time semester.
- During the first 4 full time semesters student-athletes must take course work that would meet the general education requirements if they have not declared a major.
- If a student-athlete changes their declared major they are required to have this documented with the registrar's office. Course work of the old and new major may be utilized to satisfy progress-towards-degree in one academic year. A second change of major especially in the same academic year will most likely result in ineligibility.
- Student-athletes are required to pass a minimum of 9 credit hours the previous semester to remain eligible. For example, a failure to pass 9 credit hours in the fall will result in ineligibility for the spring semester. Failure to pass 9 credit hours in the spring will result in ineligibility for the fall semester. Summer hours may not be utilized to overcome the deficit of the 9-hour rule.
- In order to remain eligible with the NCAA and in good with academic standing with Franklin Pierce University, student-athletes are required to maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.
- Transfer from a 2 yr college deemed a qualifier by the NCAA Clearinghouse (Eligibility Center) must average passing a minimum 12 credit hours (of transferable credits) and have spent one full time in residence at the 2 yr college, and have GPA of 2.0 or above. If a deemed a non-qualifier or partial qualifier by the NCAA Clearinghouse (Eligibility Center) they must have spent 2 full time semesters at the 2 yr college. They must average passing 12 credits hours (of transferable credits), and have a 2.0 GPA or above. If they do not meet the then a one year residency is required.
- Transfers from a 4-year college must be meeting progress-towards-degree at the previous institution with the required GPA.
- All transfers that have not attended an NCAA DI or DII institution full time must also register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to have their amateur status certified.