#3 Franklin Pierce Ravens 0 #2 Saint Anselm Hawks 1

St. A's Starting Lineup FPC Starting Lineup
3 Chris Bagley (F) 1 Rob Scholz (GK)
4 Peter Kinney (M) 2 Michael Carpenter (F)
6 Kevin Balban (M) 4 Wolfgang Koschnitzki (D)
7 Tim Karalexis (M) 6 Paul Lindsay (D)
9 Paul McCann (D) 8 Pat Teague (M)
10 Scott Monohan (D) 9 Tolga Yanmaz (D)
11 Patrick O'Sullivan (F) 10 Richard Gordon (M)
12 Kevin Nylen (D) 11 Dan D'Angelo (M)
13 Sean Stewart (M) 13 Radek Majkowski (M)
23 Ben Ganley (F) 20 Tate Travis (F)
31 David Brunette (GK) 21 Chris Schwarz (F)
Subs St. A's   Subs FPC  
15 Hodgens 10 Felix Brillant (19:59) 10
18 Bagley, M 11 Ernest Olius (42:00) 2
5 Hardy 5 10 (65:00) 13
23 Ganley 4 2 (85:10) 8
5, 15 13, 18    

1:00 St. A's foul
3:00 Teague, FPC, shot from 30 yards out save Brunette
4:10 St. A's foul
4:50 FP
7:00 FP
8:00 St. A's corner kick
12:00 Gordon, FPC, header from 16 yards out, wide right
13:36 FP
15:00 FP
20:00 Bagley, St. A's, open net shot from 8 yards out wide right
21:00 FP
23:00 FP
29: St. A's foul
30:00 Brillant, FP
shot from 18 yard box, tipped out of bounds by Brunette
30:00 FP
corner kick
30:05 Brillant, FP
shot high
31:00 St. A's corner kick
34:00 St. A's foul
35:00 Travis, FPC, shot just high
36:30 Bagley, St. A's shot from 10 yards out, save Scholz
38:20 O'Sullivan, St. A"s, shot from 8 yards out wide left
40:00 St. A's foul
40:20 FP
42:07 Olius, FPC, shot from 20 yards wide left
42:30 St. A's corner kick
44:09 M. Bagley shot from 14 yards off loose ball saved by Scholz over the net
46:05 Goal St. A's. Chris Bagley shot to lower 90, assistde by O'Sullivan off FP
47:00 Brunetts, St. A's, illegal touching off pass from teammate. FP
kick @ 6 yard line
47:01 Olius, FP
shot deflected, Majkowski, shot deflected
50:00 Brillant, FP
shot save Brunette
52:00 M. Bagley shot from 6 yards out on turnover, great save Scholz
54:30 FP
corner kick
55:00 St. A's corner kick
56:00 St. A's corner kick
57:00 St. A's foul
58:00 St. A's foul
59:00 Schwarz, FP
shot from 25 yards, save Brunette
60:01Yanmaz, FP
shot high
61:20 C. Bagley, St. A's, shot from 10 yards out, great save Scholz
65:00 St. A's foul
65:04 Brillant, FP
diving header great save Brunette
65:04 FP
corner kick
65:34 Travis, FP
shot save by St. A's defender on goal line, Schwarz shot high
68:00 FP
68:05 FP
68:55 Karalexis, St. A's shot wide off direct kick
70:00 St. A's foul
70:34 St. A's foul
71:00 Olius, FP
shot save Brunette
72:50 St. A's foul
73:18 Teague, FPC, bicycle kick wide right
75:00 FP
79:50 St. A's foul
78:02 Lindsay, FP
shot save Brunette
79:08 FP
81:40 Lindsay, FP
shot from 18 yards, great save Bruneete over cross bar
81:41 FP
corner kick
81:30 FP
82:30 FP
corner kick
84:30 Gordon, FP
shot save Brunette out of bounds
85:00 FP
corner kick
85:05 Gordon, FP
shot wide right
86:00 Olius, shot deflected out of bounds
86:05 FP
corner kick
87:20 Yanmaz, FP
shot headed out by defender

Teams (Record) 1 2 OT OT Final
#3 Franklin Pierce (14-4, 10-3) 0 0 - - 0
#2 Saint Anselm (14-4, 11-2) 0 1 - - 1

Scoring Summary

Team Period Scorer Assists Time
St. A 2 Chris Bagley Pat O'Sullivan 46:05
FP: Rob Scholz, five saves, 90 minutes
St. A: David Brunette, nine saves, 90minutes

Corner Kicks: Franklin Pierc 9, St. A 6
Shots: Franklin Pierce 19, St. A 8